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Community land trust homeownership opportunities created for low- to moderate-income families provides a variety of benefits – from economic to social.

Stabilization – Homeowners are no longer subject to rental displacement.

Predictable Housing Costs – Through 30-year fixed-rate mortgage payments homeowners have a predictable housing payment that allows them to save and plan for the future.

Build Household Equity Safely – Our homeowners are 10 times less likely to experience foreclosure due to ongoing homeowner support.

Social Benefits – The list of social benefits associated specifically with homeownership (versus stable rental housing) include:

Greater attachment to the neighborhood and neighbors

  • Lower teen pregnancy

  • Higher student test scores

  • Higher rate of high school graduation

  • Children more likely to participate in organized activities and have less screen time

  • Homeowners reported higher life satisfaction, higher self-esteem, happiness, and higher perceived control over their lives

  • Better health outcomes, better physical and psychological health

Community land trust homeownership is a stepping stone to market- rate homeownership and as a result a path out of poverty

Community land trust homeownership prevents income displacement in rapidly gentrifying areas

Community land trust homeownership creates stability in otherwise transient neighborhoods and communities resulting in deeper investment (financial and social) and lower crime

Community land trust homeownership provides work-force housing that brings employees closer to places of employment which in turn enhances productivity.

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