Quarterly Advocacy Series showcases city, state, regional and federal successes
The Northwest Community Land Trust Coalition is pleased to announce our new quarterly advocacy series, which will cover City, State, Federal and Regional advocacy efforts.
The series will create a forum for learning about successful legislative strategies to effect change and secure resources to benefit community land trusts’ work.
The first workshop, Sept. 23, will feature Ashley Allen, Executive Director, and Nina Culotta, Director of Programs, of the Houston Community Land Trust, on how they recently secured $68 million in funding for their program from the City of Houston.
The second workshop, Jan. 13, 2022 will feature Jeff Washburne, ED of City of Lakes Community Land Trust, and Jeff Corey, ED of One Roof Housing, Minnesota. They will present on a series of legislative wins they achieved in their state legislature, including housing infrastructure bonds, $3.25 million for workforce and affordable homeownership, and funds to pay for infrastructure improvements or acquisition of manufactured home parks.
In March 2022, we’ll hear from Grounded Solutions Network’s Emily Thaden, VP of National Strategy. Topics that may be covered include incorporating shared equity homeownership into the duty-to-serve final rule, and the U.S. Congressional budget and infrastructure bill.
The final presentation in the series will be a keynote address during the May Gathering (May 3-5, 2022) from Dr. María E. Hernández Torrales of Caño Martin Peña Channel Community Land Trust, Puerto Rico. She will share the inspiring story of how their CLT prevented the displacement of people living in 1,400 homes along the channel, and the various legal and legislative strategies they have used to protect and expand their impact.
We will host a separate session during the Gathering to harvest best practices and ideas for advocacy, and work toward identifying ways to create model legislation templates.
The first three workshops will take place at 11 am Pacific Time, 2 pm Eastern. We welcome registrations from CLTs across the country. Registration is free for the first three workshops. Attendance at Dr. Hernandez’ presentation is covered by registration at the Gathering. (Registration is not yet open for the Gathering).
To register for the event, please use the link here: REGISTER
Your name and email will be added to a calendar invitation to reserve the time on your calendar. A zoom link will be provided prior to the event.
As a reminder, introductory information about advocacy and useful templates for advocacy are available on our website here: Advocacy